because the world needs you in your power

and it’s your resilient woman era

It’s time to be visible and WILDY compensated for your services

Embrace the dark feminine in you to anchor in more light 

Feel confident being visible and safe being seen in your woo

Monetise with ease for giving others access to your energy

Spiritual business guidance for leaders, entrepreneurs, facilitators, healers and CEOs 


  • Receive deep feminine activations from women who have walked the path with integrity for decades
  • Have advanced spiritual conversations in an energetically attuned space
  • Get personalised support for your sacred work and your soul mission at this crucial time for humanity

spiritual mentors

live calls

telegram mentorship

special limited edition launch offer

(reg price € 2222)


You desire business support and spiritual guidance because you lead others

YOu know that Without the dark feminine women stay in their easy to manipulate, and people pleasing mode & nothing changes


Monica Pelayo

Monica is one of the world’s leading shadow work coaches, having been personally trained by the late Debbie Ford over two decades ago. Monica has been a certified integrative life coach since 2007 and is an eternal student of A Course In Miracles (ACIM). She’s facilitated thousands of breakthroughs and healings, working in Spanish and English. Monica hails from a lineage of Mexican curanderas and connected with her psychic attunement early in life, before getting fully activated it in her twenties. Monica is mother to two boys and lives with her partner in Madrid.

Rachel Star

After a successful but unfulfilling career in tech, Rachel, founder of Cosmic Queen, set off to uncover what makes people successful & satisfied. Now she shares insight from the cosmic cutting edge using Human Design and Astrology. Rachel’s work is for ambitious heart-centred cosmic explorers ready to use their unique genius to create wealth, positive impact & personal fulfilment. She’s passionate about helping people BE who they were born to be, as they reach for the stars.

Vanessa Gonzalez Codorniu

Vanessa, known as the Biz Bruja, stands as a celebrated bilingual bruja, a clinical hypnotist, astrologer, a nurturing mujer medicina, and a mentor to souls on their sacred business journeys. With a remarkable track record of over 12,000 sessions and a worldwide community of devoted students, Vanessa celebrates decades of service and over eleven years of online business success. She is known as a teacher of teachers, and a healer of healers.

In Resilient Femme you get to trust your visions & whisperings so you can feel confident charging abundantly for changing lives

LiYing Lim

LiYing is the founder of When Still Waters Speak, a Cha Dao Ceremonial Keeper and spiritual mentor. When Still Waters Speak is founded upon the spirit of reuniting luxury and sacred as one through the Living Art of Cha Dao as a way of living – this spirit permeates all that cultivates stillness to enrich the soul and unveil the wholeness of a multidimensional woman. When it comes to creating a most fulfilling life, it is not about the “how” – but the “what” that you embody. Her work has been featured in Holistic Scotland, Harper’s BAZAAR, The Sun Daily, Creativemornings Edinburgh and MYND, as well as various podcasts.

Claudia Spahr

aka HolyMama, Claudia has been an entrepreneur for over two decades and a wellness pioneer since she left Big Media in 2006. She has facilitated hundreds of retreats, as well as thousands of transformations and healings. Claudia is a Best Business Woman award winner, best-selling author, founder/CEO, business mentor for the heart-led and movement architect. She is mama to three New Earth Guides.


Sophia Constantine

Sophia is a modern day Priestess, mystic, astrologer, psychic and ADHD witch based in Dubai. She supports CEOs and runs trainings for New Earth business leaders. Integrating astrology, Human Design, gene keys, numerology and Akashic records she looks at the spiritual purpose of you and your business. Sophia also incorporates past lives healing, witch wound clearing and money story re-patterning. Her dynamic future life progression enables you to anchor in the manifestation of your unique blueprint for attracting soul aligned clients and leaving your legacy in the world.

Like Kali who is born from Durga’s third eye, it’s the fierce feminine that restores balance on the planet

It’s the Era of the Mystic Millionaire

It’s the Season of the Wildly Paid Witch

It’s the Age of Aquarian Collaborations that are Potent AF

Resilient Femme is an activation portal for spiritual leaders and guides as we remember our gifts in the age of energy

About this attunement and activation space:

What it is:

✔ We get real, down and deep from a place of expansive love
✔ A courageous place to enter for the brave of heart
✔ Safe and inclusive

What it’s NOT:

✘ NO fluff or spiritual bypass
✘ Zero tolerance for old paradigm separation
✘ No small talk, mediocrity and old comfort zones


Is it really only 111€ for the whole programme

Yep! I know insane right? This is the best part. You are early to the game so you get in at this price (no hidden costs or surprises). We intend to scale this programme over time and the final price will be 2222€ (when we sell it later in the year, or run it next year).


This programme will go live again in September/October.

Calls are Tuesdays and Mentorship days in Telegram are Thursday.

Instant access replays available for sessions with: Monica Pelayo, LiYing Lim, Vanessa Codorniu, Claudia Spahr, Rachel Star, Rachel Star and Sophia Constantine.

I'm new to spiritual work, will this be too advanced?

If this conversation is calling you then it may put you out of your comfort zone, which is your next level. The intention for this space is that it empowers and activates you. We encourage everyone to take part in the conversations. However, you can be a ‘quiet observer’, and this will build your confidence to come out of the ‘spiritual closet’.

I'm already pretty advanced in this line of work, what will I get from it?

Community, next level activations, remembrance of your power, new inspiration, networking opportunities.. I could go on but you get the gist.

Where do I find all the material?

All the content is available instant access inside the Hub membership area with your own private password. You can access it at any time over the next year. We plan on running this programme twice a year live during the eclipses and the best time to get in is NOW for the first edition. It will never be this cheap again.

How long do I get access to this?

One year from the time you signed up.

Does it cover business aspects?

Yes, as seasoned facilitators and entrepreneurs we will share spiritual business tools. The focus in this programme is to support you in whatever you need. However please note that each of the mentors have their own niche and can further deepen their support in their own programmes, or sessions, if you choose to do that. This would be separate to the Resilient Femme programme.

How many calls? How does the mentorship work? What's included?

Each eclipse season there is one group call and one call with each of the facilitators. Claudia will moderate all the calls. Live calls are on Tuesdays at different times to suit different timezones. All are recorded. You’ll be able to interact live on these calls in the chat, and we may open up to hot seats at the end, when time permits. Thursdays will be the group mentorship days where you can ask questions.

What if I don't have time to do this?

Got you. Time is of the essence. This is why we designed this as a programme that will have year round access. We still recommend you schedule in time to watch the calls if you can’t join live, and that way you can ask the questions relevant for you. The Telegram days will be rolling so you can access those as it suits you.


  • The Dark Goddess, Deep Femme Archetypes and Liberating Shadow-work
  • HerStory, Source + Womb Creation Codes, Embodied Wealth
  • Leading Groups In-Person + Online, Healing Personal and Collective Trauma
  • Spiritual Business Basics, Scaling and Growing a Highly Lucrative Online Business